Back in November, Zac's Occupational Therapist suggested we apply for a grant from the ARC Foundation to purchase an AlphaSmart. It is basically a personal word processor with a few added features to help those with special needs. The public schools use them with their special needs kids.
For Zac this will really help his writing ability. He has tremendous trouble with remembering how to tell his hand to write the letters. His mind can work through the spelling portion pretty well now, but then taking that info and transfering it to written form is torture for him. Also, the legibility of his handwriting is very rough and we can't seem to make it any better. Believe me, we have tried everything!
I can type up worksheets on my computer, download them to his AlphaSmart and he can fill in answers then print the page on our printer. He can also practice spelling words on it, type copywork or dictation, etc. I'm excited to experiment with the many ways we can use this tool.
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